Adding a Practice Profile
Administration > Adding a Practice Profile

Adding the Practice Profile

On main menu select

Administration> Practice Profile > Create profile   



Fill in the required fields and click create new button 


The software comes with a default practice profile.

This can be modified.

The Practice Profile stores details about the practice.

There can be more than one Practice Profile, but at any given point of time there is only one default Practice Profile.

This default Practice Profile is required for printing and other purposes such as storing the details of the state and country of any new patient or staff registration.

A new Practice Profile can be created and then set to be the new default.

You can also open the Practice Profile screen from practice profile search by selecting the "Add New" button.

Mandatory Fields in Practice Profile


The ABN number of the practice. 


The name of the practice. 


Other fields in Practice Profile 

Post code, Suburb and State

Post Code, Suburb and State autofill is provided in the software. Before you can do a search on post code, you need to enter at least 3 digits of the post code you are searching for. To start the search, click on the '?' button next to post code text box. If a match is found, a separate form opens up where you can select the desired post code by double clicking. Suburb and State gets automatically filled in. Otherwise you can also type in the suburb and hit the tab key. If a perfect match is found with the suburb, the post code and state gets filled in automatically.

Unless you have specified any country other than Australia, your choice of states will be restricted to states in Australia. 

Set Practice as Default

If you want to save this profile as the default one then please tick this checkbox on.


It is recommended to fill up all the default practice values.